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Puja Foundation Trust

जरूरतमंदों के बीच कंबल का वितरण

एक ऐसा जन्मदिन

पूजा फाउंडेशन का पहला वर्षगांठ

तिरंगा यात्रा

पूजा Foundation ने जरूरतमंद लोगो के बीच मनाया नया साल,दिया सब कुछ!!ATNLIVE.IN

ठंड में पूजा फाउंडेशन आया आगे, गरीबों के बीच बांटा रहे है कंबल, शहर के विभिन्न चौक चौराहा पर

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 Puja foundation  is a non-profit organization that focuses on social empowerment through social awareness. The organization have sufficient resources , with limitless potential, can be a powerful resources  in enhancing social awareness of the community. Puja Foundation was conceptualized out of this thought, and established on 7th july 2021. The foundation  aims to address the prevalent problems in the target community through its social activities  and initiatives. Thematic Focus: The primary focus areas of Puja foundation  are agriculture, child labour, gender equality, sustainable livelihood, education, sanitation and hygiene, and women empowerment through the establishment of self-help groups (SHGs).

Puja foundation  has a large and efficient team. The core team also includes members of the parent organisation and the community. There are more than hundred community volunteers who also contribute our foundation in many ways . A panel of experts from different fields give feedback on the programmes of the the foundation

Puja foundation  has been an active participant in several regional and national programmes in collaboration with  other like minded organizations Contact Person: Mr. Ritesh singh Contact Number: 9199442222


At present, our organisation is undertaking various activities at grass root level to give a new shape of the project area on all fronts-socio-economic and other social parameters.

In Short we have got the mission of empowering the community and develop them by organizing different types of programmes like:

•    Community health and family welfare programme
•    Community Infrastructure Programme.
•    Human Resource Development Programme, having thrust on skill development programme, to be conducted on wide network on through the scattered tiny NGO and Panchayat Raj representatives.
•    Information interchanges network foundation.
•    Provide immediate relief solution, to the people at grass-root.
•    Perform Health Research and explain its benefits to the mass people.

•    Empowering communities to attain the entitlements of socio-economic, cultural, and political spheres with enjoying civil rights.

•    To Research, Communicate, Identify and Wipe out the Country’s Socio-economic Challenges.

•    To conduct sound and feasible welfare and development programmes at remote, far-flung humanity, to join the mission to ensure India as developed nation.

•    To Co-operate and join hands with the funding agencies for the high impact of following welfare and development programmes of Government and general lawful activities.

•    To work for the eradication of illiteracy and provide quality education to all.

•    To prevent, detect, address and resolve health problems and implement cost effective and efficient health care delivery system.

•    To create awareness about the importance of environment and its preservation for good health.

•    To encourage and create awareness among local people preserving their cultural and traditional heritage.

•    To create better tomorrows for all in our Society.

Organizational Values & Beliefs
•    Honesty
•    Dedication to effectiveness and efficiency in service;
•    A non-discriminatory and non-partisan approach
•    Empathetic Dealings
•    Transparency & Accountability
•    Team work
•    Respect for beneficiaries
•    Responsibility to the next generation

Strategies & Methodologies

                                 Research & Survey of Area in which 
                                   Progrmme is to be Implemented                 

                          Identifying Key Concerning Issues 
                            Affecting the Implementation of Programme

                                   Determining the Alternative Courses of 
                               Action to be Taken to Tackle those Issues

                                 Selecting the Best Course of Action
                                                To be Undertaken

Formulating an Overall Plan for
Implementation of Programme so that
the Benefits of Programme might Reach
to the  Grass Root Communities

                         Implementation of Programme According to Plan

                                Continuous Comparison of Results Achieved
                               with Plans for Improvement during the
                                   Programme implementation Period

The Member,
Puja foundation 
are as under: Hon’ble Members
During the period under review the Financial, Physical Performance

 P H Y S I C A L     P E R F O R M A N C E 

The organisation conducted the programme in Siwan District of Bihar State. Managing committee of the society decided to start vocational training programme for self-employment. That training programme is aims to equip rural youth in the age group 18-35 years with the skills and technology required for self-employment. Society allowed relaxation of age certain special conditions, especially in the case of carpet weavers, lepers, the disabled, pensioners and widows. For develop youth entrepreneurship society choose Home based industries like handicrafts, Computer Training,  Tailoring and Garment. Under these programmes society teach & training of rural youth for self-employment during this year under this programme 56 persons benefited and able to self reliance and our society have aims to working increase more than hundred people benefits next year and develop their infrastructure.


The organisation conducted the programme at Nai Basti in Siwan District of Bihar State. To preserve our rich cultural heritage and traditions we organized dance, folk-song, drama etc. in which young and children participated in good number. Participants were also awarded for their presentation. In this programme our through the society attained renowned theatre actors & actress and show their programmes like Ramlila Harishchandra Natak and other classical & folk programmes.
Drama, Dance competition, folk art festivals, Music etc. cultural show competition organized by society for entertainment of people and their welfare. Apart this a meeting organized of folk artists on the Gandhi Jayanti. The culture of a country is regarded as accumulated intellectual, emotional and spiritual wealth of that nation. The present day our culture seems to be falling down, so we have the responsibility to sustain our culture and tradition through anyway whether we can do, so we organized many Programmes for it. 

The organisation conducted the programme in Siwan District of Bihar State. Literacy and population size essentially are the basic ingredients for development. Economic development is closely associated with poverty reduction. Human development is the end-economic growth. Literacy and education have a direct role in human development and are instrumental in facilitating other achievements. 
The significant effects of primary education on reduction in poverty and improvement in income distribution, improvement in health and nutritional status of the population growth, and positive association with adoption of family planning methods and its positive relationship with general social, political and economic development and overall quality of life are well recognised. 


The organisation conducted the programme in Siwan District of Bihar State. The family welfare programme started by the society with  the objective of reducing the birth rate to the extent necessary to stabilise the population at a level consistent with the requirements of the National Economy. 
Society organized family welfare programme in many places of Bihar states. The literacy rate of the states are very low and the need of aware of the people fact that a small family is a healthy one.  The effectively couple protected. 
About this programme main view of the society is to provide family planning services within the broader context of maternal and child health care. It disseminates information and education to enable couples to make voluntary informed choices regarding size of the family and spacing through contraception.

The organisation conducted the programme in Siwan District of Bihar State. Entrepreneurship is a process where one person getting himself self employed provides job to others also. The person is called “entrepreneur”. He acts as a leader. In India only 8 per cent of the small scale-manufacturing units are run exclusively by women entrepreneurs, which are proportionately very small as compared to other, developed & developing countries. We can see, USA alone, about 50 percent of the business is owned by women. 
Various efforts are being made to improve the status of women; women folk have not taken their maximum use & remain still backward. In almost all countries, the Governments are providing specia l provisions for women’s development & efforts are being made to extract maximum use of women’s talent.

Environment education involves a comprehensive, life-long education, one responsive to changes in a rapidly changing world. It prepares the individual and communities for life, through an understanding of the major problems of the interaction of the biological, physical, social, economic and cultural aspects of the individual and communities. It provides skills and attitudes needed to play a productive role in improving life and values. In order to enable people to enjoy good health and high quality of life make environment friend.  
Our society realised government system cannot enable to control environment pollution, it is only possible with support of community. Awareness programme camp organized our society and actively engaged in implementing various environmental protection and development programmes to mobilize community.

Woolen blanket distribution camps - 
our organisation has distributed 1000 of woolen blanket as well warm cloths amongst the beggar and homeless peoples . we also distributed foods to the same on our anniversary. 

President Message

 Puja foundation  is a non-profit organization that focuses on social empowerment through social awareness. The organization have sufficient resources , with limitless potential, can be a powerful resources  in enhancing social awareness of the community. Puja Foundation was conceptualized out of this thought, and established on 7th july 2021. The foundation  aims to address the prevalent problems in the target community through its social activities  and initiatives. Thematic Focus: The primary focus areas of Puja foundation  are agriculture, child labour, gender equality, sustainable livelihood, education, sanitation and hygiene, and women empowerment through the establishment of self-help groups (SHGs).

Puja foundation  has a large and efficient team. The core team also includes members of the parent organisation and the community. There are more than hundred community volunteers who also contribute our foundation in many ways . A panel of experts from different fields give feedback on the programmes of the the foundation

Puja foundation  has been an active participant in several regional and national programmes in collaboration with  other like minded organizations Contact Person: Mr. Ritesh singh Contact Number: 9199442222 Email::

Our Objectives

Social Welfare



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